Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Site Visit at KLIA Aviation Terminal

Since the company I'm working with have the petronas license and the client also is the Petronas affiliate company, we received a RFQ from the them and we would like to look into opportunity there.

I've been asked by the client to have a compulsory site visits at KLIA Aviation Terminal. This is the terminal where the fuel is stored and the fuel truck will collect the fuel to the airport. Basically the visits is to determine which parts of the Fire alarm system need to be replaced.

It's the first time for us to approach them and quite a few of the regular vendor that the client already know during the site visit. I know it is quite tough for us to break the market. We have to strategize what is the best approach to win the job. Otherwise, it would be a waste of time.

Seeing that the production activity there is not as fast paced as the Oil & Gas upstream sector, so I would say that the competition is not as cruel but not a good profit margin to get. I'll try to get few quotes just to test the market. See how it goes...

However, this is also another opportunity for me to sharpen my photo skills on how to get good industrial photos.

While others brought only normal point & shoot camera and even hand phone camera to take the picture of the parts, I brought my dSLR to take mainly cool pictures at site. Hehehe...:P

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